Saturday 14 October 2017


For my final presentation I am planning on producing a three part series of work presented on one single print. I am planning on creating a another  two pieces of work - one a close up portrait of someones face, duplicated like John Stezakers work showing multiple sets of eyes but half covered up with something (maybe tape, plaster or a phone) to represent how analytics control what we see with out us really understanding, giving a highly filtered version of the internet, yet we know no difference. And for my other piece of work I want to make something commenting on the amount of images we consume on a daily basis and how once original content has been repeated so many times, that even though something like a sunset which has extreme natural beauty is seen as a boring photo.

John Stezaker Blind II, 2006 Collage

Suns (from Sunsets) from Flickr, by Penelope Umbrico

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