Monday 4 September 2017


I have decided to change the direction of my project after being inspired by John Stezaker's work at the city gallery.

Seeing Stezaker's work made me think about how many images we are exposed to each day, especially through social media apps such as Instagram and Snapchat. By using old images to recreate new images, Stezaker is making a statement about how we are exposed to too many images to properly value them and see them for what they are worth.

This can be seen as a reflection on society, how as a mass we have very little attention span and how everything is now targeted towards this. Pair this with our new social practices surrounding social media and we can see an over saturation of images in our everyday life.

I think I would like to make a comment on this new style of photography (social media based) with ideas of image over saturation, basically that everyone posts the same things but it is from a different perspective.


CONSUMED BY CONSUMERISM, BI-PRODUCTS OF OBSESSION The issue I have chosen to communicate is the popular culture surrounding social media...