Saturday 7 October 2017


“I thought it peculiar that the sun, the quintessential giver of life and warmth, constant in our lives, symbol of enlightenment, spirituality, eternity, all things unreachable and ephemeral, omnipotent provider of optimism and vitamin D… and so ubiquitously photographed, is now subsumed to the internet – this warm singular object made multiple in the electronic space of the web, and viewed within the cool light of the screen.” quoted from Penelo Peumbrico’s personal site discussing her work ‘Suns from Sunsets from Flickr, 2006 - ongoing’ which made me think how even though we understand the sun is an an incredibly beautiful, source of all life, we often take images of it for granted because they are such a commonly posted image and a very common subject to photograph when using a camera. This can be seen as a comment on how everyone is now a photographer due to the advancements in mobile phones with powerful camera, which also seamlessly provide a platform for the user to publish their work

“Perhaps part of the beauty of taking a picture of a sunset is that while you are doing it it’s likely that a million other people are doing it as well” 

“We live in a digital electronic world, built with images designed to capture
eyeballs, build brand names, create mindshare and produce attractive products
and services.”

“Today’s organizations are faced with the ‘frantic production of images which are circulated; a frantic translation of incoming images into collages of “ideal companies”; less frantic but steady attempts to translate those images into the local practices and vice-versa; and once again a production of self-images to be sent around’“

“I consider photography a cornerstone of visual consumption. Associating visual consumption with the art historical world helps to position and understand photography as a global representational system.”

Visual Consumption in the Image Economy Jonathan E. Schroeder in: Elusive Consumption Karin Ekström and Helene Brembeck, eds, Oxford: Berg (2004),

“Although the concepts of ‘media culture’ and ‘consumer culture’ have been commonly used as labels for contemporary society, they have rarely been explicitly compared”

“Mobile internet consumption increased at an average rate of 44 percent a year between 2010 and 2016 and accounted for 19 percent of all global media consumption last year.”

‘People consume more media than ever’, Rani Molla, 30th May 2017

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CONSUMED BY CONSUMERISM, BI-PRODUCTS OF OBSESSION The issue I have chosen to communicate is the popular culture surrounding social media...