Monday 16 October 2017


After deciding on a style that I like and felt best represented the points I was trying to make, I created three pieces of work which each speaks to different points I'm trying to communicate in individual ways. I felt it was important to carry on a specific style across all three pieces to make the pieces fluid and easily recognisable as a series. I will continue to refine these works to make them as visually pleasing and communicate my message as best as possible .

This work is in response to how consumed by technology we are as a collective, prompting the phrase in my head 'bi-products of obsession, consumed by consumerism'. It is representative of human beings operating in a virtual reality and how obsessed we have become with new age technology such as smart phones and social media. I decided to have a person on there phone standing on the virtual space to represent being consumed by virtual reality and detaching oneself from reality, I then chose to make the part of the grid where the figure is standing filled in with noise to represent the consuming nature of being on a phone and represent a disconnection with the world around them. The wifi symbol covering part of the head of the figure is representative of being connected to a virtual reality. Lastly the mouse is also a representative symbol of human being operating in a virtual space. 

My thinking behind this work was based around data analytics guessing what we want to see when we are searching on the internet and how most people are unaware of this happening. I tried to represent this by taking a portrait of someones face and duplicating the image and by using screen and darker colour blending modes to make them layer transparently on top of each other, I then put two x's over the eyes, but not actually covering the pupil to suggest that they can still see but only what data analytics want us to see. I then covered the left side of the face with a plastic texture to suggest the disconnect with understand how little we control we really have when browsing the internet and how most people are actually blind to the face that we are being shown what analytics want us to see. 

I made this work in response to John Stezakers comment "we are made unconscious through a bombardment of images" And in response to my research about image consumption. Through this work I am trying to make this blindness visible and confront the blindness in which we consume images on a everyday basis. The small transparent squares are representative of the amount of time we spend looking at screen. I included a human verification test box to make a comment that we are human beings capable of thinking for ourself's yet many people are too lazy to do so. Finally I added the three warning symbols to make a similar comment around thinking for yourself and not just mindlessly consuming in a sense that i believe because human put so much trust in things they see like symbols we see, we are susceptible to simply believe something just because its in front of our face rather than question what purpose it serves.  

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CONSUMED BY CONSUMERISM, BI-PRODUCTS OF OBSESSION The issue I have chosen to communicate is the popular culture surrounding social media...