Tuesday 22 August 2017


In todays lesson we focused on colour grading, spotting and retouching images and creating panoramic images. 
To colour grade this photo we were shown how to use levels adjustment layer using specifically the RGB layers, I cant quite remember but I believe we took the blue flowers and made them an off white.

These two panoramic images were created using photoshops panoramic feature. In camera raw we batch edited the photographs so they has the same adjustment qualities then selecting them all merged them together using photoshops panoramic feature.

Unfortunately, Shirley has a lazy eye, luckily enough for her, we can fix this for her through photoshop.  We selected her right eye, duplicated it, transformed and flipped it to mirror her right eye and then through using blending brushes and healing brush tool we were able to convincingly blend her skin tones together.  

For this image, we were shown basic ways to beauty touch a portrait of someone. Using the dodge and burn tool and the spot healing brush tool to reduce the bags under her eyes and decreasing the intensity of her wrinkles around her face. We were also introduced to using the liquify filter which allowed us to make adjustments such as increasing the size of her eyes and reducing the size of her nose. 

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